I am fired up to continue the fight we began 4 years ago.
Carroll Stands for All of Us!
You elected me to fight for the change we demand: Housing as a Human Right, Economic Resilience, Environmental Justice, Community Safety.
My family and I know the struggles we’re facing all too well. For six long months, we were housing insecure, moving from place to place and trying to find a rental we could afford. This challenging time opened my eyes to the harsh realities many in our district face.
Promises kept:
We secured voter approval for thousands of units of affordable housing.
We enacted the strongest tenant protections in the state.
We launched Oakland’s Black New Deal and LGBTQ District.
We invested in education, housing stability, jobs, and vibrant arts and culture programs.
There is so much more to do! Join me in my fight to build low-income housing and even stronger tenant protections; expand support to local schools, businesses, and cultural institutions; invest in our parks and infrastructure; and ensure healthy, clean air and water. Every human being deserves safety and freedom from crime and blight. Let’s continue to build together. I would be honored to receive your 1st choice vote.
“We’re leading the fight for justice and equity so working families can thrive in Oakland. ”
Housing is still too expensive. Community safety concerns have to be addressed on multiple fronts. Our economy serves those at the top. And we’re still far away from the goal of a safe and healthy environment. None of this is easy to solve and complaints and cookie-cutter programs won’t work here.
Carroll has been guiding District 3 through these complexities with creative, nuanced and thoughtful leadership that is grounded in decades of experience working at the grassroots level. She brings Oakland-specific solutions developed along the people she serves. This is what it means to be the voice for ALL the people.
What Carroll Stands For
The Human Right to Housing
In Oakland there are more vacant homes than unsheltered people. That’s because the “free market” has been making housing policy decisions for us for generations. As long as there is a profit motive to deprive people of shelter, this housing crisis will continue.
At the root of Carroll’s vision for continuing to address Oakland’s housing crisis is a shift from a financialized housing system to housing as a human right.
Community First Safety
Data shows that strong family and community institutions supported by economic opportunity, access to basic resources, and mental wellness are better crime prevention measures than the fear of punitive policing. We need systems of real accountability and we must change the focus from fighting crime to changing the conditions that got us here in the first place.
Carroll works to build new types of social institutions and safety nets based in a care-taking community.
Building Economic Resilience
The economic disparities we see today have grown out of decades of intentional planning and policy decisions which are bound up in the histories of racism, regressive taxation, and exploitative banking practices.
Carroll keeps the needs of the people at the center as she creates policies and practices that create and sustain economic resilience for the many who have been left in dire straits by unregulated market forces.
Environmental Justice
for All
In Oakland, communities of color and low-income residents have been disproportionately exposed to environmental hazards and at the same time prevented from enjoying environmental benefits, such as parks, wetlands and forests.
Carroll’s environmental work focuses on the wellbeing of the families who have been most impacted by these harms. She is committed to making healthy and safe environmental design a priority.

What We’ve Accomplished
Economic Resilience
Introduced a Film Initiative program that prioritizes Oakland voices, Black and Brown communities, as well as worker-owned cooperatives. Read more here.
Introduced Measure T for Progressive Taxation, with lower tax rates for small businesses.
Introduced legislation in support of the Oakland Education Association resistance movements, recognizing the teachers, counselors, social workers, nurses and staff organizing to improve working conditions, pay, and the education of Oakland’s children.
Advocated for the reactivation of Raimondi Park under the stewardship of the Pioneer League’s Oakland Ballers who activated a neglected field and brought over $1 million of improvements to West Oakland.
Organized and brought forward legislation to allocate $40 million for community land trusts, an essential strategy for permanently affordable housing. Read more here.
Organized and brought forward Measure Q, that allows 13,000 low-income social housing units to be developed, constructed and/or acquired. Read more here.
Introduced Measure U for infrastructure funding, providing $350 million for affordable housing.
Brought forward legislation in support of California State Senate Bill 555 (Wahab), with five- and ten-year goals for creating 1.2 million units of social housing to meet the needs of lower- and middle-income California residents.
Affordable Housing
Housing & Homelessness
Helped Oakland win $7.2 million in grant funding for to resolve long-standing encampments at Martin Luther King, Jr. and 23rd Street and Mosswood Park.
Organized and introduced legislation to study the feasibility of housing 1,000 individuals at the Oakland Army Base. Read more about it: SF Chronicle, Mercury News and Fox 2.
Supported the development of the Lake Merritt Lodge for emergency COVID-19 response housing for unhoused community members.
Advocated and won the development and use of vacant CalTrans lots for interventions.
Held weekly meetings with unhoused residents and offered necessary supports such as trash bins and large-sized dumpsters.
Introduced legislation to allocate funding for safe parking sites owned or controlled by local faith-based organizations.
Advocated for cost-savings by having civilian employees taking on functions typically performed by police officers. This resulted in the creation of the Vehicle Enforcement Unit within the Oakland Dept of Transportation resulting in an exponential increase in the number of abandoned autos cleared in District 3.
Supported budget allocation for the Department of Violence Prevention to employ more violence interrupters and community ambassadors for neighborhoods most impacted by violence.
Committed an additional investment of $2.5 million in external funds to strengthen Oakland’s civilianized 911 response system.
Introduced commercial corridor safety and ambassador grants in order to expand existing ambassador programs and community safety measures on several commercial corridors.
Community Safety
Introduced legislation to pilot community-driven traffic safety solutions, which will allow schools, businesses, and community centers that serve vulnerable populations to address environmental design and safety concerns in their neighborhoods. Read more by the Oaklandside here.
Supported the development of a farmer’s market in West Oakland in order to increase access to fresh and healthy food.
Sponsored multiple community clean-ups focused on making our parks and public spaces more beautiful and cared for.
Successfully fought against building a coal export terminal in West Oakland.
Environmental Care
We welcome the endorsements of community organizations, unions and individuals working for the good of all Oaklanders. We're stronger together! Join these organizations and community members who have already given their support!
The People say: Yes!
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