District 3 Voting FAQ

Voter Sticker

Here’s a quick guide to protecting your ballot this November. With the challenges of COVID 19, uncertainty about the reliability of the US Postal Service, and potential electoral interference by the White House, it is crucial to make a plan to vote, and to help your family, friends and neighbors make sure your ballots are counted!

Have more questions that aren’t covered here? Email us at info@carrollfife.org.

Am I registered to vote? 
Check your status here: registertovote.ca.gov 

I think I’m registered to vote, but not sure. Where can I find my voter status? 
Check out voterstatus.sos.ca.gov/ for your most recent information. That can be really helpful if you’ve moved recently.

Can I register to vote online?
YES! Go to registertovote.ca.gov/ You can register to vote online until October 19. Registering online is easy — especially if you have a California driver's license or state ID card. If you don’t, you can still register online but will need to take an additional step: you’ll receive a quick form in the mail that’ll you’ll need to sign and return to verify your signature. 

Can I vote by mail? 
YES! Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order for all Californians to receive mail-in ballots. Ballots will be mailed out on October 5th; expect to receive yours the following week. 

I have my ballot. When do I need to mail it in by?
Technically ballots can be received as late as election day, November 3rd. But you don’t wait that long if you want your vote to be counted. With the whole country shifting to vote by mail, we anticipate significant disruptions to the voting process on election day. 

As soon as you get your ballot, fill it out and put it in the mail immediately. Then be sure to track your ballot on wheresmyballot.sos.ca.gov to make sure it is received.

I didn’t get my ballot in the mail. What should I do? 
If your ballot hasn’t arrived by October 19, you should call Alameda County Elections Office at (510) 272-6973, or you can check the status of your ballot at wheresmyballot.sos.ca.gov.

Where can I check the status of my ballot? 
There’s a new website to track your ballot: wheresmyballot.sos.ca.gov. You can see if it has been mailed to you, and if it has been received and counted. It will also show you if there are any problems or issues with your ballot. 

I haven’t dropped off my ballot yet and I’m worried it won’t get there in time. What should I do? 
You can drop off your ballot in person at drop-off locations throughout Alameda County. Here’s a map of Alameda County’s drop-off locations.


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