NBC Bay Area: Carroll Speaks out about Lack of Ballot Boxes in West Oakland

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Early voting started Monday in California, but some voters in Alameda County say they’re still waiting on critical materials they need to cast their ballots. It seems ballot drop boxes, voter information guides and even ballots have not all been delivered yet and some say they are already feeling like their right to vote is being suppressed.

The west Oakland library was supposed to be a polling place on November 3 but because of the pandemic it won’t be instead a ballot drop box is supposed to be stationed here but so far it hasn’t shown up.

“If this county is really serious about ensuring everyone has access to a vote then we need to have the facilities and tools to be able to do that,” said Carol Fife.

The community activist and candidate for Oakland City Council said she’s troubled that early voting has started but a ballot drop box still hasn’t been installed in their West Oakland neighborhood.

“I think it’s voter suppression,” Fife said. “That's what I’m hearing from people in the district. They are concerned about what’s happening.”

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